- Nonsaturating large magnetoresistance in semimetals | PNAS.
- Large spin Hall magnetoresistance and its.
- Sign-tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance and electrically detectable.
- Giant facet-dependent spin-orbit torque and spin Hall... - QxMD.
- Large nonsaturating magnetoresistance, weak anti-localization and non.
- Magnetoresistance and Giant Magnetoresistance.
- Dirac Loops in a Strongly Correlated Metal: Origin of Large.
- Hayashi Group | Quantum Spintronics/Photonics.
- Spin Hall Effect | SpringerLink.
- (PDF) Paramagnetic spin Hall magnetoresistance - A.
- Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in platinum and... - DeepDyve.
- Ferromagnetism and giant magnetoresistance in zinc-blende FeAs.
- Large magnetoresistance of a compensated metal ${ m Cu} {2}{ m Sb.
- Spin-Hall-Effect-Assisted Electroresistance in.
Nonsaturating large magnetoresistance in semimetals | PNAS.
Control of nonequilibrium spin-polarized populations of electrons through and near magnets has led to the dominance of linear (resistive) spintronic devices for magnetic readout in commercial magnetic storage.... the anisotropic magnetoresistance and the Hall effect of iron microwires grown by focused-electron-beam-induced deposition. By..
Large spin Hall magnetoresistance and its.
Chirality-induced current-perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistance (CPP-MR) originates from current-induced spin polarization in molecules. The current-induced spin polarization is widely recognized as a fundamental principle of chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS). In this study, we investigate chirality-induced current-in-plane magnetoresistance (CIP-MR) in a chiral molecule/ferromagnetic.
Sign-tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance and electrically detectable.
Jun 29, 2022 · spin Hall magnetoresistance and unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance. Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 2(c) represents the angular dependence of the R ω and R 2 ω during the magnetization rotation in the xy-, yz- and xz-planes for the sample with t P t = 4.7 n m. The R ω curves show 180 ° period and typical SMR behavior: R y < R z ≈ R x. The.
Giant facet-dependent spin-orbit torque and spin Hall... - QxMD.
Mar 30, 2020 · Abstract. We have compared the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) in Fe/Pt and Fe/CuO x (with natural oxidation) bilayers with varying the thickness of Fe layer. A larger SMR in Fe/CuO x bilayers has been found when the thickness of Fe layer is 3 nm. Moreover, the SMR of the two bilayers decrease with increasing the thickness of Fe from 3 nm to. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information. For example Pt is known to have spin hall angle of 0.07 ~ 0.1 (7-10%). Ta is known to have spin hall angle of 0.12-0.15. It is important to find material with high spin hall angle for efficient magnetization switching [1] S. Cho, S.-h. C. Baek et al., 'Large spin Hall magnetoresistance and its correlation to the spin-orbit torque in W/CoFeb/MgO.
Large nonsaturating magnetoresistance, weak anti-localization and non.
Aug 26, 2019 · In this work, we show that a strong MPE from the neighbouring (Ga,Fe)Sb layer induces giant proximity magnetoresistance (PMR) (approximately 80% at 14 T) and a large spin-splitting energy ∆E.
Magnetoresistance and Giant Magnetoresistance.
Jul 31, 2019 · We investigate the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) at room temperature in thin film heterostructures of antiferromagnetic, insulating, (0001)-oriented alpha-Fe2O3 (hematite) and Pt. We measure their longitudinal and transverse resistivities while rotating an applied magnetic field of up to 17T in three orthogonal planes. For out-of-plane magnetotransport measurements, we find indications for.
Dirac Loops in a Strongly Correlated Metal: Origin of Large.
Dimensional-confinement effect coupled with a large surface-induced spin-Gipping cross section. The EHE exhibits a strong correlation with GMR, which is likely due to the surface-induced spin-orbit interaction. Since the discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in layered structures, we have witnessed a series of de-velopments in the. Feb 16, 2016 · Large spin Hall magnetoresistance and its correlation to the spin-orbit torque in W/CoFeB/MgO structures. Cho S, Baek SC, Lee KD, Jo Y, Park BG. Sci Rep, 5:14668, 01 Oct 2015 Cited by: 9 articles | PMID: 26423608 | PMCID: PMC4589767. Free to read & use. It was recently realized that the spin Hall effect (SHE) can be very useful in the area of spintronics, due to its ability togenerate pure spin current from charge current, without the use of any magnetic materials or magnetic field. Themaximum conversion factor is given by the spin Hall angle 𝜃SH, which can take rather important values (above 10% inabsolute value was reported for β-Ta and.
Hayashi Group | Quantum Spintronics/Photonics.
An extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR) of 22,000% was observed in a transverse magnetic field of 10 T at 2 K. However, unlike other topological semimetals that show XMR, β-ReO 2 has a high electron carrier density of 1 × 10 22 cm −3, as determined by Hall effect measurements and large Fermi surfaces in the electronic structure. In. Physical origin of the AMR: spin-orbit interaction effect: λL.S ⇒⇒⇒⇒It is expected to be large only in systems with large spin-orbit interaction and anisotropic charge distribution 1) It was shown in magnetoresistance measurements of rare-earth-doped gold that the AMR was large in all cases except for Gd, with L=0 (Gd +3 ⇒4f 7). In recent years, spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) has emerged as an efficient way to probe the spontaneous magnetization state in ordered magnetic systems, by electrical current.... (NM) such as Pt with large spin orbit coupling (SOC) [ ] [ ]... In NGO with L=6, a strong correlation between spin and orbital angular momentum is expected.
Spin Hall Effect | SpringerLink.
Anomalous Hall magnetoresistance (AHMR) in single ferromagnetic layers arises from anomalous Hall effect induced spin current and its backflow. Here, we have studied the correlation between AHMR and weak ferromagnetism as well as the antiferromagnetic property in metastable FeMn layers. The ferromagnetic and the antiferromagnetic properties are.
(PDF) Paramagnetic spin Hall magnetoresistance - A.
An anomalously large spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) is found in Co/Pt bilayers. The effective spin Hall angle derived from the SMR approaches 0.4, indicating that the measured SMR includes contribution from other spin dependent effect. Anomalous Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Pt/Co Bilayers M. Kawaguchi, D. Towa, Y. C. Lau, S. Takahashi, M.
Spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in platinum and... - DeepDyve.
The report of a systematic study of the magnetoresistance of w/cofeb/mgo structures and its correlation with the current-induced torque to the magnetization demonstrates that mr in a non-magnet/ferromagnet structure can be utilized to understand other closely correlated spin-orbit coupling effects such as the inverse spin hall effect or. Tion because of its unique properties including high Curie temperature (T C 858K), 6 full spin polarization at the Fermi level,7 and a large net magnetic moment of about 4 l B/f.u. 8 In epitaxial Fe 3O 4 films grown on MgO, Al 2O 3, and SrTiO 3 substrates, the mis-stacking of the Fe 3O 4 lattice on a substrate at the first stage of nucleation. @article{osti_1344557, title = {New pathways towards efficient metallic spin Hall spintronics}, author = {Jungfleisch, Matthias Benjamin and Zhang, Wei and Jiang, Wanjun and Hoffmann, Axel}, abstractNote = {Spin Hall effects (SHEs) interconvert spin- and charge currents due to spin- orbit interaction, which enables convenient electrical generation and detection of diffusive spin currents and.
Ferromagnetism and giant magnetoresistance in zinc-blende FeAs.
CaFe 2 O 4 is a uniaxial antiferromagnet displaying two coexisting magnetic orderings, A and B, characterized by ↑↑↓↓ and ↑↓↑↓ spin modulation, respectively, and the emergence of a net magnetization in a limited temperature range, which is not yet understood. The spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) is probed at the interface between Pt and CaFe 2 O 4 and the crystallographic. Spin current represents a flow of spin angular momentum carried by electrons. The spin Hall effect allows electrical generation of spin current in materials with strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI) ().The spin Hall angle, a material parameter that characterizes charge to spin conversion efficiency, scales with the longitudinal resistivity and the spin Hall conductivity ().
Large magnetoresistance of a compensated metal ${ m Cu} {2}{ m Sb.
Professional Experiences. (Dec 2011 - Current) Assistant/Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST. (Jun 2006 - Dec 2011) Research staff in Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory. (Oct 2009 - Dec 2011) Associate Member of St. Edmunds College at University of Cambridge. (May 2003 - May 2006) Post-doctoral. Spin Hall effect is due to classical rotation of electrons (Fig.15) Spin Hall effect = Rotation. In spin Hall experiments, they detected the directions of polarized lights ( NOT spin ! ). In normal Zeeman effect, the change of orbital angular momentum generates ( left or right ) circular polarized lights depending on the change of ± m ( see. Large spin Hall magnetoresistance and its correlation to the spin-orbit torque in W/CoFeB/MgO structures. Soonha Cho, Seung-Heon Chris Baek, Kyeong-Dong Lee, Younghun Jo, Byong-Guk Park Scientific Reports 2015, 5: 14668.
Spin-Hall-Effect-Assisted Electroresistance in.
We report the synthesis and characterization of a rare-earth dichalcogenide EuTe2. An antiferromagnetic transition was found at TM = 11 K. The antiferromagnetic order can be tuned by an applied magnetic field to access a first-order spin flop transition and a spin flip transition. These transitions are associated with a giant negative magnetoresistance with a value of nearly 100%. Heat.
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